Transformative Mobility experiments MCube-TrEx

The MCube lighthouse project Transformative Mobility Experiments (TrEx) aims to systematically understand experiments for the sustainable transformation of mobility, to develop them further in a participatory way, to test them in an application-oriented way and to strengthen them with new tools and perspectives. TrEx sees experiments and crisis experiences as the key to the mobility transition. Specifically, TrEx deals with three types of experiments that are relevant for mobility transformations and will be considered in a differentiated way: Natural experiments and crisis experiences, everyday (social) experiments and innovation experiments or real laboratories.

The Professorship of Urban Design is the sub-project leader for work package 2 (WP2) on experiments in everyday life. In this work package, we aim to rethink and re-organise mobility from the perspective of crisis. Using scenario techniques, we want to work together with local residents to tap into their everyday knowledge about mobility and crises on the ground and use it to think about the future of mobility and make alternative everyday worlds conceivable. In other words, it will be about the question of what the mobility of the future could look like in Munich. The strong involvement of citizens not only ensures the construction of plausible and credible scenarios, but also has a communicative-discursive effect and promotes ownership of these transformative scenarios among the population. At the end of the work package, visualisations will be produced to illustrate the possible futures that have been developed.

Project management WP2:
Dr. Daniel Zwangsleitner and Stefanie Ruf, M.Sc. Psychology

November 2021 – Oktober 2024

Project partners:
TUM Professur für Innovationsforschung
TUM Professur für Urban Design
UnternehmerTUM GmbH (UTUM)

Associate partners:
Landeshauptstadt München (LHM)
Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund (MVV)
Green City e.V.
Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrradclub e.V. (ADFC)
Münchner Forum e.V.
TUM Lehrstuhl für Siedlungsstruktur und Verkehrsplanung
TUM Professur für Policy Analysis
TUM Lehrstuhl für Umwelt- und Klimapolitik

Funding: BMBF – Clusters for Future; MCube: Münchner Cluster für die Zukunft der Mobilität in Metropolregionen