Masterplan Gröden Gherdëina Gardena

Leitbild «Verkehrsarmes Gröden» (Abb. EURAC/Zwangsleitner)

The Val Gardena master plan draws a picture of the future of the valley. It represents a long-term planning tool for the municipalities and defines which goals of spatial development are to be pursued in the coming years and to be achieved together in the next few years. The plan not only shows the status quo but illustrates how the Gardena Valley should develop in the future – when it comes to preserving the quality of life of citizens, to securing the livelihood and at the same time to protecting the environment. The Masterplan is a pilot project for South Tyrol in terms of intercommunal land-use-planning and transport strategy.

Research Assistant at EURAC Bolzano 2010, working on the mapping foundation, the formulation and implementation of the various planning steps, conceptualization of environmental impact assessment for regional planning measures.